Friday 20 July 2012

Holidays :-)

Will be quiet on here for a few weeks! Will post when I get back :-)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see another way to contact you, but I wanted to respond to your comment on my lunchbox post:

    The drink holder is a brilliant idea and totally makes sense. Thank you for letting me know about that . . . I have never seen such a thing, but I am also completely new to making lunch for my kids to send them off so it makes sense that I am somewhat clueless in this area. ;) Unfortunately, I already started cutting pieces for a proper sized lunchbox, so I'm just going to go with it. Oh well . . . live and learn. Perhaps if I can dissuade my daughter from the first one I can do a giveaway for someone else. We shall see. Thank you so much for visiting! Hope to hear from you again. :)
